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Connecting Mind and Body

Sometimes life can feel difficult to navigate, but there is always something you can do to support your health and outlook.

The first step is to connect mind and body. The mind, on its own, can be insecure, but when connected to the body, there is support to relate to life from a new perspective. You can begin to connect mind and body by staying with your breathing while doing something that requires movement—like sweeping the floor, or working in the garden,or practicing a Self-Breema exercise. Receiving Breema bodywork is also wonderfully helpful in preparing the mind, so it becomes more able to stay connected to the body.

When we see that whatever is happening can actually support us, it makes room for a very important and helpful shift in our attitude. When you study Breema and Self-Breema in the comfortable and nonjudgmental atmosphere of a Breema workshop, your ability to see and experience this increases.

Join us this Fall for classes and workshops at the Breema Center, Hummingbird Valley, and in Europe! More information at

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