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Letting Go of Judgment

Even in a world filled with reactivity and imbalance, we have the possibility of bringing calm and balance to each day.

I often find myself lost in imaginary arguments. These are usually fueled by ideas about how the world “should” function, and criticism of myself or others. I’ve seen over and over again how this affects my mood and energy. In talking with clients and friends, I’ve discovered that this is a fairly common situation!

There are a few things that I have found supportive:

  1. When the mind is mumbling, I can connect it with the body by practicing a Self-Breema exercise, or by doing an activity that helps me experience the weight and breath of the body.  Something as simple as cleaning the house while trying to apply one of the Breema principles can support me! When mind and body work together, I can experience the harmony that always exists in the background.

  2. Working with the Breema principle of No Judgment is also a strong support. If I stop judging myself for having divisive thoughts, then those thoughts can come and go without causing harm. I no longer identify with those thoughts as though they are the whole of me. The thoughts themselves—or any situation of life—aren't inherently a problem, but my reactions to them can cause difficulties for me and for others.

Even in a world filled with reactivity and imbalance, we have the possibility of bringing calm and balance to each day. When you function more harmoniously, people around you are naturally affected in a very positive way, and that effect ripples out and supports everyone.

Join Alexandra Johnson, MD, and Jon Schreiber, DC, director of the Breema Center, along with Breema Instructors and students from all around the world at the upcoming weekend workshop: Letting Go of Judgment, September 27-29, at Hummingbird Valley Retreat in Santa Cruz, CA.

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